Sweethearts (1938)

After Naughty Marietta, I was apprehensive about watching additional Jeannette MacDonald-Nelson Eddy pairings. This was many times better than that film. The story is a relatively familiar one, a married couple has been starring in the musical Sweethearts for the last six years. To their producer’s (played by the talented Frank Morgan) chagrin, they become exhausted from the constant professional demands of being in a successful play and hear the siren’s song of Hollywood calling. You get the typical operatic songs from the duo, but also the years of developed chemistry. Additionally, there’s a delightful wooden shoe tap routine by Ray Bolger in the play within the movie. As MGM’s first feature-length color film, it’s cute and offers enough to be entertained by.  Musical Romance

Oscar Win: Cinematography (Honorary)

Oscar Nominations: Best Sound, Recording; Best Music, Scoring

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