Antz (1998)

Antz suffered from being one of those films where a similar themed one was released at approximately the same time. At the time, being a Pixar fan, I chose and really enjoyed A Bug’s Life, but now I finally decided to give this one a try. The animation in this is truly horrifying and I can’t imagine I would have felt very forgiving toward it even in earlier computer animation history. It’s very dark and the generic looking textures seem to have been placed on each object without any sense of location. The story is a bit more adult than usual animated fare with pushes toward nonconformity and breaking from the course forced upon you, but the actual plot is a bit nonsensical with one group of ants wanting to destroy the rest of their colony. None of the problems are helped by the fact that the main character is voiced by Woody Allen and treated as one of his stereotypical neurotic characters, but there is also a packed cast voicing the rest of the characters, including Christopher Walken, Sharon Stone, Gene Hackman, Sylvester Stallone among others.

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