The Bridges of Madison County (1995)

I remember the summer this was such a hit with middle aged, particularly white, women. Being firmly ensconced in those categories now, it seemed like a good time to check it out. It mostly doesn’t work for me. The parts with the adult children are drawn out and overall unnecessary, not helped by the fact that the two characters are quite dislikable. Clint Eastwood as the love interest here is a bit far-fetched and I kept imagining many other actors in the role. Similarly, while she brings her usual quality to her role, I didn’t quite believe Meryl Streep’s portrayal as an Italian immigrant though the melancholy and resignation she experienced as an Iowan housewife did come across. Overall there wasn’t a lot of chemistry between the two and the pairing was hurt more from that than the actors as individual characters. The setting is attractive and feels evocative of Iowa in the late summer, though the featured bridge isn’t the most inspirational structure.  Romance

Oscar Nominated: Best Actress in a Leading Role

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