Wind River (2017)

Inexperienced FBI agent Elizabeth Olsen is called in to investigate the death of a Native American woman on Wyoming’s Wind River Reservation. When the cause of death is not ruled a homicide, she entreaties local Fish and Wildlife Agent Jeremy Renner to help with the investigation. I don’t know how many people are still unaware of the endemic violence surrounding Native women both in North America, but it’s remains a crisis that is still underexplored. This movie at least gives voice to that plight even if that voice is shrouded in the experiences of white outsiders. I enjoy all I’ve seen from Olsen and her performance works as an out of her depths experience, but it bewilders me that her partner in the endeavor is another white person who is on the margins of the community. It unfortunately dilutes some of the message an otherwise impressive film has to offer.  Crime  Mystery

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