He Even Has Your Eyes (2016)

The joy in French married couple Aïssa Maïga and Lucien Jean-Baptiste’s lives is increased tenfold when they are finally been chosen as adoptive parents for a four month old baby. The big tension comes from the fact that in a rare case, this black couple has been matched with white baby, with family members, social workers, and complete strangers all finding difficulty adjusting to the unusual circumstances. The film pushes hard on this singular premise that keeps from being too gimmicky by the love each parent expresses toward their child. There’s a bit at the end that is quite slapsticky and far-fetched which pulled me from the film, which may just be attempts at a light resolution to some heavy themes. I do absolutely love the set design for the film. I wish I could have such a command of color to recreate some of the vibes in my own home.

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