Farewell Meu Amor (2016)/The Market King (2014)/Suspense (2011)

Included on the DVD for Farewell Amor were these three earlier shorts from director Ekwa Msangi. Farewell Meu Amor could be considered a prequel to the feature film where a man is preparing to reunite with his family while also having to say goodbye to the life he has built without them. The Market King is the sole comedy of the set where a well-intended father takes his daughter to get her hair done for school while his wife is sick. Set against the upheaval of the 2007-2008 Kenyan crisis, Suspense is a brutal portrayal of the tough choices that must be made at such times and the consequences that ripple afterward. As varied as the films are, taken as a whole they showcase a bold voice representing new takes on African stories.

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