The Time Machine (1960)

At the dawn of a new century, scientist Rod Taylor sets out to prove to his friends that he has figured out a way to travel through time. There is so many to delight in during this film: the design of the iconic time machine, the passage of time using incredible stop motion effects, and Taylor’s heartfelt relationship with botanist Alan Young that spans the decades. It’s a shame that he makes his main stop with the bland Aryan nation of the Eloi. I really didn’t care what the underground Morlocks were subjecting them to because the Morlocks were really the more interesting of the two. It is more wondrous than I remember the 2002 version being though still managing to delve into effects of war on the future. I will continue to ponder the best three books to take on such a voyage.  SciFi  Adventure

Oscar Win: Best Effects, Special Effects

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