The Mole People (1956)

There are about a half dozen different movies pushed together to make The Mole People and as a whole they aren’t that interesting, all take too long in the hour and twenty minute runtime. There’s the introductory lecture on hollow earth theory, the adventuring archeologists bit, meeting up with the underground Sumerians, and finally hanging with actual mole people. It’s best advised to not ask too many questions about the Sumerians, because it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense. Their costumes are nice and makes one wonder why men don’t wear dresses more often. I was surprised at the graphicness of some of the death scenes in a 1950s film. The mole people are the greatest part and not a lot of time is spent explaining anything about them. Their look makes it seem like someone found an extreme discount sale on a gross of rubber Creature from the Black Lagoon costumes. Spoiler Alert: when searching for ancient underground civilizations, don’t take the elderly and infirm. They’ll just hold you back and also rat you out as not being immortal.

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