Against the Current (2020)

I had missed in the description for this film about Veiga Grétarsdóttir’s attempt to be the first person to kayak around Iceland in a counter-clockwise direction that is was also about her experience as a transgender woman. Not that it made for a bad movie, but it did require me to change my expectations on viewing. A lot of time is spent interviewing Veiga’s family and friends and her transitioning story is probably not terribly unique, but it is told in a forthright and honest manner. I was hoping for lots of beautiful Icelandic kayaking scenery and luckily there was still plenty of that.

Farewell, My Lovely (1975)

I had forgotten that this was based on the same story as Murder My Sweet until about halfway through though it definitely explained why it felt so familiar. As with the other film, this film noir about Moose Malloy who after being released from prison hires Philip Marlowe to find his old girlfriend Velma has a few too many moving parts that makes it unnecessarily convoluted. Robert Mitchum makes a good Marlowe. At his age, he brings a grizzled, cynical world-weariness to the character, though that makes him a poor match for Charlotte Rampling’s charms. I also find the 1970s realism less well-suited for the story.  Noir

Oscar Nomination: Best Actress in a Supporting Role

Fed Up (2014)

This is an effective anti-sugar propaganda piece. It pushes an extreme criticism of the food industry and those in government complicit in pushing their agenda. By using the heartfelt stories of extremely overweight young people, it poses that just exercise cannot be enough to keep Americans healthy and what has been pushed as healthier alternatives is anything but. It’s very effective, but not very clear on the data that supports its various assertions.

The TV Set (2006)

This feels a lot like a movie version of Episodes where David Duchovny is a writer trying to get his deeply personal, semi-autobiographical TV show onto one network’s fall schedule. Sigourney Weaver is the executive who can make it happen, but not without suggesting a few changes. It’s an amusing look at getting a TV show to air and has Judy Greer playing his optimistic assistant and Justine Bateman his very pregnant wife. I wish it were a bit longer and some of the side stories fleshed out more.

The Philadelphia Experiment (1984)

During World War II an experiment to render a Navy ship invisible to radar crosses with a related experiment being conducted in 1984, resulting in the ship being sucked into a time vortex and two of the ship’s sailors being thrown into the future. It’s the type of movie that’s best if you don’t question it too much. It’s an awful-fun mix that includes dated special effects and American militarism all presented in a way that screams 1980s science fiction. In better hands, it probably could have been a big budget summer blockbuster.  SciFi

Save Yourselves! (2020)

I had a chance to see this at the drive-in during the earlier days of COVID. I’m glad I didn’t, because after Free Guy and Space Jam, I need a little bit of reassurance about modern filmmaking. In this indie, Sunita Mani and John Reynolds are a Brooklyn couple who take a break from technology and head to upstate New York. Unfortunately while they are gone, Earth comes under attack and they are the last to know. They also quickly realize how ill-suited they are to protect themselves when they don’t have a way to search the internet. They have great chemistry as a couple and are familiar in their moments of support and exasperation with each other. It’s really funny and the alien critters are terribly cute.   Scifi

Space Jam: A New Legacy (2021)

I have never really followed professional basketball, but I can say that in terms of acting ability LeBron James is no Michael Jordan. LeBron and his son are sucked into the internet by an AI played by Don Cheadle. No one even seems to remember what made the original film fun, except the toons. For some reason, the Looney Toons remember this all happened before but no one else does. The writing is so lazy that I’m fairly certain Warner Brothers movies are indeed created using an algorithm. The film is so jammed with WB IP, you can hear the creators of Free Guy saying ‘Why didn’t we do that?’ The grand match-up in the end has so many extras dressed as characters from every WB film imaginable that I’m pretty sure they gave every cosplayer in the universe $5 to show up in whatever they could find lying around the house.

Prometheus (2012)

An odd prequel to the Alien series, this film has the cool aesthetic of those films but doesn’t quite feel as if it fits narratively with the others. Noomi Rapace and Logan Marshall-Green are an archeologist couple who discover a star map that they believe will lead them to humanity’s predecessors. Soon they and a motley group of scientists and other crew members are on a ship to the far corners of the universe. Anyone who has seen any of the other films knows this is a bad idea. Noomi is given the main job of having her ass kicked and kicking ass in return and Michael Fassbender plays a convincing android trying his best to pass as human. There’s a whole lot in the movie that makes no sense and bits that are left unfinished that it’s not even worth delving very far into.  SciFi

Oscar Nomination: Best Achievement in Visual Effects

Waking Ned Devine (1998)

Someone in the tiny Irish village of Tulaigh Mhór has won the lottery. Unfortunately it turns out to have been Ned Devine, who died from the shock, so the entire village of 52 individuals conspires to cash in the ticket. It’s a very lovely, cozy film about friendship and community that’s both amusing and heart-felt.

Detective Story (1951)

A surprisingly dark look at a day in a 1950s police precinct, Kirk Douglas leads the cast as an angry detective who has yet dealt with the psychological damage caused by his criminal father, seeing things and people as either all good or all bad. The cases start out fairly light, shoplifters and petty robberies, but the main story involving an illegal abortionist quickly brings the narrative and all those connected to it into a downward spiral of destruction. The acting is solid, but everyone is overshadowed by the brutish nature of Douglas’s character.  Noir

Oscar Nominations: Best Actress in a Leading Role; Best Actress in a Supporting Role; Best Director; Best Writing, Screenplay

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